Last night i was inspired to become a blogger. Thanks to my amazing blog stalking friend... you know who you are and the other amazing people who rock the blogs I have decided to try it out. My last posts were for my class, so they are pretty cheezy. Feel free to read them if you want a full reflection on "differentiation in the elementary school classroom"...I know boring! (well i kinda like it. good thing since it is becoming my life!). Ok I better stop rambling and get to blogging. Who knows how long this will last. This may be my first and last post.
For those of you who are still tuning in a little fyi i am not married, but i am dating this amazing guy, so most of my adventures are with him. This past weekend we went to park city with his family. It was a blast! I adore his family so much and it was great being stuck in a gigantic lodge with them for a weekend. I feel like I got to know all of them even better! I have also decided that if you put two extremely childish grown-ups in a huge lodge then crazy things happen. We had a blast jumping on mattresses, practicing cartwheels and figuring out how many different ways you can slide around on a tile floor (p.s. having someone grab your legs and pull your around is the funnest!) We also discovered that close encounters with trees are bad when sledding and that the further you sled the longer you have to hike back up. We also learned that we are old and out of shape.
I also got to see some of my most favorite people in the entire world this weekend! Once a year my favorite girls get together and we just chat and remember how much we love eachother. Though this year there was definitely a void seeing as how two members of the posse were not able to come (one who has run away to Zion...rude!) but it was so good just being together. Each year when we get together I am reminded how amazing they all are! I am so grateful for the huge influence they have had and continue to have in my life. WOW! I am so blessed!
Well thank you for tuning in on April's first real blog post ever! Who knows if this will ever happen again. p.s. It is too late for proof reading. The end!